Sunday, June 2, 2013

Personal Drones Coming Will Follow You Home

R10 DroneDrones have moved beyond the use by the military for their purposes to being used for personal use. And they are in the news more and more. And with that, the prices continue to come down. But, these are all controlled by your smartphones. There is going to be a coming wave of personal drones which are on autopilot and controlled by on board computers. The initial ones will have the ability to follow you home basically and record what they are seeing.

All of this is based on the KickStarter project for Universal Air. The company web site for Universal Air is not currently showing a method to purchase their personal Drone Quadcopter. But it does show a lot of support related information. We expect to see the new model to be available this summer and allow you to carry a large payload, such a GoPro camera. When that happens, things will be moving to a new level.

But, that is not the big news. The company is planning to release a version of the R10 which has the ability to track a person overhead and follow them. All by tracking the app on their smartphone which will be used to show location and direction. With built in capabilities coming in the R10 version next year, this will bring a number of great features. And the biggest is the ability to follow a person with the R10 controlling itself, not the user.

With a camera attached, it can follow and record what is going on below all focusing on where the smartphone is with the included app. You can think of the possibilities, such as recording someone skiing down a long mountain slope. And you can probably come up with all kinds of things that you might do with a personal drone which can follow you and record what is going on around you. There are many different sources for the future drones, including CNet News.

Current mapping software being used in the version coming out this summer is going to improve to provide for the ability of the R10 to follow you with the autopilot taking control. A person drone which can follow you is coming.

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