Thursday, June 6, 2013

Get Great Camera Pictures With The Lytro Camera

Lytro CameraTaking pictures has been one of those things I do not necessarily do well. I take the picture and it is not exactly in focus using a simple camera. When I do it with a more expense camera, it gets better, but there are still times when what I wanted to focus on is not in focus. It seems that I am one of those people who do not take good pictures. What I need is a camera that does auto focus far better than what I am currently using. After I take the picture is too late. There is a camera on the market which will help greatly with my picture taking problems and it is called the Lytro camera. The Lytro sure looks strange as you can see by the picture.

What makes the Lytro camera so special is that it is very unique in that it takes a picture with what does not look like a camera at all. It is a rather small device coming in at 4.41 inches long and 1.61 inches square with a weight of 7.55 ounces. This looks nothing like what I would expect in a camera. But with its funny shape, the Lytro camera has some unique features to it. And the result of those features is after you have taken the picture.

After the Lytro camera has taken a picture, you transfer it to your computer and using their software, you can change what is in focus. It is the software which takes all the information collected in the picture by the camera and lets you change the focus point to anywhere in the picture. I generally seem to get the wrong person or thing in focus and with this, I can change what is in focus resulting in a far better picture. With this, you take the picture and deal with what is in focus after you have taken the picture.

I do not consider myself a good picture taker, so something like the Lytro camera could help make me a better picture taker. But, at a price of $399 for the 8 GB Lytro camera or $499 for the !6 GB Lytro camera, it seems a little steep as compared to other cameras one can get. That is a decision I will have to think about. This is especially true when I start to see rumors of this kind of technology possibly coming to smartphones next year.

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