Monday, June 10, 2013

Drones In The Future - Delivering Pizza?

Drone DominosDrones for other than military activities have moved to the personal level as prices have dropped. And this year we have seen them really come down in price to the point where a growing percentage of the population can afford one. We can now expect to see commercial usage of drones to do more delivery activities. While delivering newspapers may not be as practical, what about the idea of delivering a pizza to your home? That kind of an activity would make more sense. And that is exactly what Domino's in the UK has done by testing out the concept with the use of a drone.

Posted on the Domino's UK Facebook you can clearly see pictures of a small drone carrying a pizza. Before we go any further. Domino's here in the US has said this is not associated with them and they have no plans to look into drone pizza delivery right now. But, Domino's in the UK has decided to do an experiment to see how feasible it might be. And from a conceptual idea it does look like it would work with using a drone to deliver a pizza. So, we now have the Dominio's Drone (DD). I like this name better than the one they are using which is the DomniCopter.

Think of a fleet of Dominio's drones which can deliver your pizza to you in quick order. They eliminate the car and driver idea with a drone which is going to speed things up. Now that all the hype has come in, the whole idea makes a lot of sense and one that many other delivery type business should be considering. Given rising fuel costs here in the US, the concept of providing a drone delivery service is a futurist idea.

This is not going to happen anytime soon. There are so many things to be resolved, such as how to monitor the airspace and regulate a sky full of drones. But, the idea of drone delivery has a lot of positives to it. There are things to work out, such as the actual delivery to a residence by the drone since handing off the pizza needs to be done. Ah, all those pesky details. For now, it is a great idea that is a little too early to implement for now.

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