Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Goal Zero & ATT To Setup Charging Stations - Alternatives?

Is this really the best solution to be provided for charging phones?

[caption id="attachment_5458" align="alignleft" width="305"]GoalZero_NY Credit: Goal Zero[/caption]Many of us remember the problems experienced in New York and New Jersey where power was out in areas for an extended period of time. So much so, that people were lining up to charge smartphones, tablets and laptops so that they could continue to communicate with others. It brought out the worst fears that we all have about our devices running out of power because there is not a power source available. It seems that in New York, ATT & Goal Zero have teamed up to provide solar power stations to people who are in need of a charge for their smart phones. This sounds like a great idea. Or is it?

This has been widely reported, such as by The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal. Calling them the Street Charge stations, the goal is to provide 25 of the solar power chargers from Goal Zero in a partnership with AT&T. This sounds like a really great idea. They will place these in various areas where those who need a charge can use one. At least on the surface it does sound like a good idea.

We all know about the problems with with cell phone theft where thieves do the snatch and grab routine before running off with a person's cell phone. Here in San Francisco, this is a very big problem with people sometimes getting injured as thieves steal smartphones. It was just last week where officials in both San Francisco and New York were calling on wireless carriers to put "kill switches" on smart phones to make they worthless to thieves once reported stolen.

That does not look like it is going to happen anytime soon. And as a result, the really great idea of solar charging stations in New York is going to create a situation for thieves to steal them. Having people standing around with their smartphone sitting on a table is going to invite problems. A better alternative is to have a battery charger which you carry with you to charge up your smartphone. At least you would not be exposing yourself to getting your phone stolen.

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