It seems that everyone is talking password security

This week, the big news seems to be how to make sure that you are protected. So much of that is because of the reports of Social Engineering of Apple support which allowed a hacked to gain control of someone else's account. They subsequently did a remote wipe of his iPhone, iPad and MacBook Air. On top of that, there are reports that Reuters news was hacked twice over the weekend. All of this brings the idea of security and passwords to the top.
Most of us really do not want to deal with passwords. To be good, they have to be hard to remember. And, you should not use the same password on more than one site. This is especially true for email. If you use online financial sites, your logon name and password cannot be duplicated anywhere else. One of the big items today is the two step authentication available in GMail. Not everyone takes advantage of it, but in the event that someone tries to do social engineering on a support person, this would go much further in stopping someone from getting your password that way.
Other reports have similar reports, such as one from PC World talking about your password risk. Even the security questions that most of us just breeze through can create problems for us. Things such as your mothers maiden name in this day of easily obtained information is not very secure. The name of your first school is probably something that you might have on Facebook already. People can comb the web and find this kind of information without too much trouble.
It seems that what worked a few years ago is no longer how you should do things. Things are now changing much faster than they were previously. And they look like they are going to continue to change at a rapid pace. Hackers are coming up with new ways to do things to get your password. We are now forced to pay far more attention to passwords and the need to change them on a periodic basis. We have to watch everything more closely.
Welcome to technology.
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