Monday, September 23, 2013

Your Health Monitored By An Angel Band

Angel SensorThe idea of wearing a device to monitor your body has become very common over the past few years, with most of them focusing on the idea of exercise. And they have been very popular. But there is a whole other area where the idea of wearing a device to monitor things is growing in popularity and that is with health. If you have kids, you know the concerns that you have with their health. If you have some medical condition, then you are often wondering just how you are doing. Having a way to monitor things without having to stop and measure some value is the future for our health. And the future continues to look very bright. The Angel health sensor band may be just the thing that you want to see for monitoring your various vital signs for your health.

While the Angel health sensor band provides some great features for health purposes, it still can meet the needs of many for their athletic activities as well. That is because it measures pulse, blood oxygen & flow, your temperature and your activity. It is these kind of items being measured which provides great value as we watch our health and includes being able to monitor your sleep which has recently become a popular item. The Angel sensor can share all of this information with a mobile device which collects it and puts into a usable form for alerting you or just plain reporting on various measurements.

While many products we hear about provide their own apps so that things are proprietary, the Angel sensor band is going to be open source so that any developer can provide an app taking advantage of the information from the band. That is great news for so many and can provide many different options for you to take advantage of. Open source seems to make products more successful as others can leverage the technology. And given that it monitors multiple items, it will have appeal to different developers for different reasons.

So, you might be asking where you can get the Angel Health Sensor band. At the moment, it is gathering funding for the launch of this great idea. The Angel band is currently an Indiegogo campaign with a goal of $100,000 running until November 1st. They have already raised 1/3 of that amount and are continuing to see money coming in. For a contribution of $135, you can get your own Angel health sensor band with an estimated delivery of April next year. Once this coming to market, the Angel band will retail for $159.

If you are concerned about your health or that of others, the Angel Health Sensor band is exactly what you are looking for.

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