Friday, September 20, 2013

How To Remember Your Dreams With Shadow

Recording Your Dreams To Help Figure Them Out.

ShadowsIf you have ever wondered about your dreams, there may be a product which can help you in that area. Not so much interpreting them for you, but giving you the ability to try and record them so that you can review them later. That has been the problem over the years as you know that you have dreams, but when you try and recall them later in the day, you just can't seem to get the details to what you dreamed about. And sometimes that is ever important. If you are one you sleeps on something so that you can come up with a solution, you need a tool to help you remember that information. And that is where Shadow comes in where you record your dreams and they can be stored in the Cloud.

This week's KickStarter project is Shadow - Community of Dreamers which is an app to help you remember your dreams by recording them. The concept is simple and involves them creating an app for your smart phone which will gradually wake you up from your sleep so that you can then record your dreams. You simply set the time that you want to wake up and it is handled by the app. These escalating alarms move you from various sleep stages to being awake. It is at this point that you are best prepared to remember your dreams.

A web site for Shadow is up and looks very slick guiding you through the sales pitch. The premise is that as you record your dreams over time that patterns will emerge. And with these, you might find something which can change your life. The whole idea of how dreams might be able to provide clues for direction for the future is one that many consider. The problem has always been remembering your dreams and now with Shadow, you have that ability.

Who ever is doing marketing for this effort is doing an outstanding job as this started on September 17th with a goal of $50,000 and they are 70% of the way there. And this funding campaign goes until November 2nd, so it looks like the funding for this is going to be huge. They have multiple levels of contributions for Shadow you can make and for each level, there is a different delivery date and for higher levels, you can added items such signed copies of a book.

  • Friends Circle - $8 - Delivered April 2014

  • Bronze Circle - $20 - Delivered March 2014

  • Silver Circle - $40 - Delivered February 2014

  • Gold Circle - $60 - Delivered January 2014

  • Platinum Circle - $100 - Delivered December 2013

A few of the levels for Shadow are sold out, but there are higher ones you can select. The strange things about Shadow is they have not committed as to what the first product will support. That is up to what people select for contributions. At each level, you can chose between Android, iOS and Windows for the Shadow app of your choice. The OS with the highest levels of contributions will be the one developed first. Not sure how that will work for all those contributions for another OS. You should take a look at the contribution levels for Shadow.

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