Monday, September 9, 2013

Futuristic Language Translator You Can Wear - SIGMO

sigmo Language TranslatorIf you remember the Star Trek series where they had the Universal Translator which allowed them to communicate with others in languages they did not understand, then you need to read on. It seems that there is a company which will be bringing that very futuristic language translator to market next year. And with all that we have seen in the last few years where your smartphone can translate things for you, this is a reality that is on the verge of becoming the new norm. This coming language translator is called the SIGMO.

The SIGMO translator is currently active as a Indiegogo funding campaign and they are very successful. This coming product can communicate in over 25 languages where you can understand and speak in a language that you do not know. The original goal was $15,000 and they have raised over $108,000 with 26 days left to go. There is obviously a lot of interest in this one and given the universal translator from Star Trek, the expectations for the SIGMO has already been established.

While the SIGMO is not going to work exactly as the Universal Translator, it is close. You have to preselect the language you want to translate. Then, by pressing the upper button, you speak and then the SIGMO will translate what you have said into the preselected language. Then, you press the lower button and it will translate what is said in that foreign language into what you can understand. While this is not perfect, this is a vast improvement over what we currently do with our smart phones to translate languages.

When this comes out in January, you will need a Bluetooth capable smartphone. The SIGMO will then leverage the existing language translation services provided by iOS and Android with the free app to now understand other languages that you do not now understand. This gives you a fantastic way to communicate and if you travel a lot, the SIGMO may open doors for you in communications. Along with being a fantastic conversation starter.

If you want to be among the first to receive the SIGMO voice translator, you still have time. The funding campaign still has 26 days to go before it closes. If you contribute $50 or more, you can get your own SIGMO voice translator in January. And with that, you can show it off to your friends and create some envy. This is a futuristic product which is soon to be here.

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