Saturday, May 25, 2013

Emergency Light Source With Kilty Luma Twist

Kelty Luma TwistIn this electric world where we rely so much on electricity to provide light sources at night, you need to be prepared for times when there is none. When the power does go out, having a decent light to use is key to trying to continue doing activities. While candles are OK for providing general light for moving around, they flicker and do not provide consistent light. And when there is a disaster, such as the recent tornado in Oklahoma, you will need lights at night. We have found one that seems to meet more then the general needs of providing light and has the ability to direct the light in 2 different directions. The Kilty Luma Twist may be well worth considering as your source for light in a power outage.

The Kilty Luma Twist has 2 separate LED panels which fold out for use. Each one can turn 360 degrees and be angled in various directions. And they operate independently of each other. So you can point each light panel at a different person so that two people can be reading or doing other activities during the power outage. This is something which one can deem as being a very unique light.

The two light panels on the Kilty Luma Twist which operate independently is great. And you can only have a single LED panel turned on if that is all that you need. This is powered by 4 D batteries and with everything else in this world which requires standard batteries, you have to supply your own. But the good news is that the life on the batteries is very good. When the lights are powered on high strength, the batteries should last 42 hours. When they are at low strength, they will last 105 hours. For camping or an emergency, that should provide for an extended period of having light.

The Kelty Luma Twist is 6 inches in height and 4 inches square making it easy to store and find unlike the round flashlights that we are so often trying to find. One of the places you can pick up the Kilty Luma Twist is at Back Country Edge and we are providing a video from the site showing how the Twist works. This looks like a very interesting light.

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