Sunday, May 26, 2013

CommBadge: Star Trek Like Communication To Replace Headset

CommBadgeIf you are a fan of the Star Trek series, then this one should interest you. We have all been following technology where much of it seems to have started from the Star Trek show in the 60's. Think of the communicator back then to the smart phones of today with the Bluetooth headsets that so many of use wear. And for myself, after a while, having the ear piece stuck in my ear becomes uncomfortable. As well as blocking off sounds being received to my left ear. So, an alternative to that would be of interest. A coming product called the CommBadge may be a unique idea for the 21st century for hands free communications.

The CommBadge Communicator is looking to become the first real world communicator and sure looks like it was patterned after those of the Star Trek - The Next Generation series. CommBadge Technologies is very close to bringing to market their CommBadge Communicator. A hands free device that contains a speaker and microphone which connects to your Android or iOS phone with Bluetooth. With that, you immediately replace the Bluetooth headset. So, you can answer calls or do voice commands over Siri, S Voice or Google Now to do many of the things you had to do requiring you to hold the phone.

The coming CommBadge seems like it is too big and too visible, but this is the first generation. If you have seen pictures of the first mobile phones as compared to what we use today, it will become smaller with newer models in the future. That is the normal process of things. And with the CommBadge using an app on your smart phone for control, it is something that can easily be updated with features via software rather than hardware. If you are in an office setting, this may be an excellent way to keep in contact with each other in a fast moving environment.

With past technology advances, the CommBadge is leveraging noise cancelling technology in the microphone so people only hear you and not everything going on in the background. But, you might think that all those around you would hear what is coming out of the speaker. The design of that has the sound traveling only about a foot and after that it is not going to be understood. And that is why you have to wear the CommBadge towards the upper half of your body.

If you are interested in ordering one before they hit the market this summer, you can do that over at as a pre-order. The price for the base model is $89 and you get to chose between white, black, red or silver colors. Consider getting in as part of the leaders in technology change for the future.

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