Friday, January 18, 2013

Monkey Tail Holder Lets You Position Your Tablet Just About Anywhere

Monkey TailKickStarter Friday - Great product to prop up your tablet just about anywhere.
Every now and then a great new product is designed and created to fill a great need for the masses. Since the number of tablets continues to grow, there comes a need to find a way to stand up your tablet when you are in different locations. Most of the current stands are like standing a book up and are not flexible at all. This weeks KickStarter Friday project is one that has a lot of imagination and some fantastic usability for your tablet.

The Monkey Tail Kit gives you the flexibility to use your tablet hands free and in a number of settings. The tail is flexible and can be bent into many different shapes and attached to things to hold your tablet in place and at the appropriate angle for you to use. This is a great idea and product. When this product is available, it will consist of two parts. One is vacuum dock and when you attach it to your tablet, you squeeze the pump 5 times, it creates a seal that keeps your tablet from coming off. The other part is the tail, which is a length of 3 feet and can be bent and shaped to fit your needs in using your tablet.

This is a very simple idea and is going to generate a lot of interest when it is released. It has 34 days still to go on the KickStarter project and has been pledged at almost double the goal of $20,000. The estimated delivery date for those who have pledged $80 or more is April of 2013. If you do pledge $80 or more, you will be one of those lucky souls who receive the Monkey Tail Kit before it comes to market. The expected price for this when it becomes available is $99.99, so early backers get a discount as well.

The company is saying that the vacuum seal on your tablet will last for days, but just how many days will have to be determined. With the investment in a tablet, you may want to release the seal and re-establish it daily so that your tablet does not fall off and get damaged. We believe this will be the best tablet holder for 2013 because of its great flexibility.

Here is the video from the Octa group and clearly demonstrates just how great this coming product actually is. Stay with the video until the very end as they show a use for your tablet in a location where most of us deny using it.

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