Monday, August 5, 2013

MP3 Player Inside An Amazon Bean - iBean

iBeanEvery now and then we come across something that is very unique and one that is something that we consider as an interesting subject. If you are someone who is interesting is staying away from all the plastic and metal that is used in smart phones and music players, than this may be one for you. There is a company which is selling MP3 players which are placed inside of Amazon Bean or Tagua palm nuts. These are found in the Amazon Rain Forest making them something different from the very start. One might think that these are not going to be big enough or strong enough to hold an MP3 player, but they are very hard and have more than enough space to hold the small technology.

Each bean is carefully hand-selected for its symmetry and natural beauty and is polished to a high shine using a special stone polishing tumbler before the inside kernel is carefully removed and swapped with the digital media player circuit board and battery which is then securely housed within. The iBean’s unusual polycarbonate-like shell makes a natural and incredibly strong casing as an alternative to plastic or metal.

These Rain Forest MP3 players are from Cybotanics where you can see either the iBean or the iTagua. These are currently going through a KickStarter project where they are raising funding so that the products can potentially arrive by the end of the year. All of this is going on in the United Kingdom.

The idea of having something which has grown from nature and then being transformed into a small MP3 player is very different. You will be getting an MP3 player with "lossless" music which is the normal CD quality. If you were expecting it to be higher quality than that, you need to look elsewhere. The iBean and iTagua are going to be great gift ideas when they come out for that one of a kind gift idea.

The names iBean and iTaqua are interesting and they seems to resemble the "i" name convention used by Apple. Since the MP3 player could potentially take some sales from the iPod, the question comes up as to whether Apple will take exception with the name.

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