Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Locking Up Smartphones In Jail For Meetings

Cell Phone LockupIf you have ever been in a meeting and people just cannot seem to put their smart phones down to participate, you need a way to get their attention. Or it might be a family evening or dinner where you want to eliminate the distractions of smart phones. The idea of getting everyone to put down their phones has been one that has troubled many. Some have used the idea when going out for lunch to put the phones in the middle of the table. The first one to pick one up buys everyone lunch. But, that is not going to work in a meeting. So, how do you lock up the phones so that you can have everyone paying attention to the discussions?

A solution to the problem might be the Cell Phone Lockup which is available from Amazon. At a price of $17.34, this device could help to solve a nagging problem with some humor thrown in. As shown in the picture, it is 6.4 inches tall and 6.3 inches square with enough room to hold 6 smart phones inside the "jail". There is a timer for the time to be locked up which can be set to 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes in length.

Cell LockupThe Cell Phone Lockup is not a metal cage to restrict access to phones and it does not even have a real lock to it. But, if someone takes their phone out of "lock up" before the time has expired you will hear a break out alert of "Alert. Alert. Break-out in progress" from the speaker. And as you set the timer, the "Judge" speaks out the verdict of time and then the slamming of the jail door.

This is different enough to have some fun while driving home the point about paying attention to a business meeting or that family gathering. People seem to act like they will die if they are not on their phone texting every moment of the day.

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