Saturday, March 16, 2013

Netatmo Personal Weather Station Now Available For Android

Netatmo StationProviding you with weather information is something that many of us are interested in. And the Netatmo weather station can provide that for you. With a unit mounted outside, you have the ability to get information to display on your smart phone to see the weather. This is all accomplished through the unit mounted indoors which is connected via WiFi to the outdoor unit. The Netatmo weather stations are pre-setup to be paired together for communication. While you might think that this is all there is for measuring the weather, it is the connectivity to your mobile device which provides the enhancement and value. And it is available now from various locations for the price of $179, depending on the retailer.

We wrote about the Netatmo Personal Weather Station a few months back talking about all the features that this can do for you. At that time, they were offering the Netatmo weather station as being only available for connection to iOS devices which really limited who would be able to use the great product. The associated app for iOS devices is available at the Apple App Store. The good news now, is that the same app is available for Android devices at the Google Play Store and with that, the Netatmo weather station extends to all the Android mobile devices in the world.

It is all the added features which make this a valuable product. While it takes a few days to collect information and establish patterns for your location, it can measure both outside and inside information providing you with a very complete picture. And that includes the indoor air quality as well. Unfortunately, the only way to see the information is via the mobile app as there are no indicators on either the indoor or outdoor Netatmo units. But, the information that you do receive has a lot to it.

And the one really great feature is the ability to share that information. The Netatmo weather station provides information which can be collected and it is that shared information which can provide for a wealth of information for all. If you remember the SETI project and the value created from all the computers sharing the work load to larger purpose, begin to see the potential for this. And with the shared data from the Netatmo weather stations, it can proved data for a larger purpose.

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