Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Getting Paid To Look At Ads On Your SmartPhone - Locket

LocketThere is so much advertising going on in the world today that we just plain get tired of it. It is everywhere and at times becomes an annoyance. But, what if you could turn intrusive advertisement into something where you could make some money? Would you be interested in the advertising then? Well, that is the idea behind a new start up which is going to pay you to look at advertisements on your smart phone. And this is all care of the normal lock screen that we all have and use.

The company behind this idea is Locket and their mobile app which replaces your smartphones lock screen with a new one. And it is this replacement where the ads will be displayed. With all the times that you have to unlock your smartphone during the day, this is a perfect method of getting advertisements in front of people. And they are going to pay your to participate in the process.

But, don't expect to get rich doing this as there are limits to what you can get paid of course. The concept is a simple one. Each time that your unlock screen is displayed, you will see an advertisement. You can swipe left which will take you to the advertisement or you can swipe right and unlock your smartphone. That is the ease of the Locket app and whether you go to the ad or not, you will still get paid 1 cent. And this all starting on Thursday.

You are not going to get rich with the Locket app and the advertising program. They are limiting you to 3 cents per hour which is going to limit your to 72 cents if you do it for 24 hours. That is not a lot of money and you can cash it out or get a gift card when you hit $10 dollars. But the really great thing is that you can donate the money to charity. While the list of charities is not known, the whole idea of donating to charity is a really great one for Locket.

This all starts tomorrow for Android smartphones as is something different that should generate a lot of interest in it at the start. This is likely to be popular as a simple way to make to some money.

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