Thursday, April 18, 2013

WiFi Cameras Should Be Part Of Your Home Security

SmartCamWith everything that goes on in the world, the need for having a camera to record activities is an important feature for your home security. If your home is being viewed by someone wanting to break in, seeing exterior cameras may be a deterrent to them doing that. Or cameras inside the home can record someone inside the hone who should not be there. You can even be alerted to someone in your home by the recording of information. There have been recent news reports here in Northern California of exterior cameras recording someone coming to a home and stealing the delivered boxes. Having cameras for your home is becoming part of the standard package for home security and is something which should be part of your overall considerations for home security.

While you can run wired cameras, WiFi cameras are far easier to set up and use. It is just a matter of making a connection to them and you are ready to use them. Those of a few years back were limited to connections to the back of a DVR, but the ones of today are using mobile devices to alert you as to activities besides recording the actions. More and more are storing the recordings in the Cloud with added services, so even if someone steals the camera, you still have the images to turn over to the police.

WiFi cameras will leverage your local WiFi router to stream the video, which can be to the web, computer or Cloud. One that is popular is the Samsung SmartCam which has a lot of features at a low price. That includes the ability to detect noise or motion around the camera and then provide notifications to you. Another popular WiFi camera is DropCam which offers a similar set of features and adds night vision to the package as well. The include the streaming video to the web and notification alerts should be the standards you are looking for.

WansView OutdoorHaving a camera for indoor use which these are designed for, still leaves the outside of your home to be covered. You want something which can withstand the weather, such as the Wansview WiFi camera which has notifications and motion detection. The growing market for outside WiFi cameras is growing and it is the feature sets which make these desirable. The Wansview has built in night vision as well which is something that should be expected from all outdoor cameras. There are many other outdoor WiFi cameras on the market and you should research those that you are considering for your home.

With summer approaching and vacation planning, you need to make sure that your home security is where it needs to be. If you need to improve on what you have, WiFi cameras look to be your best bet to cover your home and property. There is no one size fits all for this and you will need to do some research to find cameras that fit your needs. Indoor cameras come in many shapes and sizes while outdoor cameras are less flexible in shapes and design. The key to look for is WiFi enabled cameras that can send you notifications to your phone to alert you along with streaming video which can be viewed remotely.

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