Thursday, April 25, 2013

Double Robotics Lets You Be There From A Distance

Double RoboticsThe idea of having robots in our every day lives is starting to become reality. Some of them are like toys which can be played with in games at work. But, the robots are now becoming far more sophisticated in their design and applications. Many of us have the ability to work from home which does create some problems when it comes to meetings and seeing everything which is going on. There is a growing number of products which can make it seem as though we are there attending the meeting. Some are fixed in place and can turn to show those in the meeting. The real value can come from being able to move about at will to go to other locations in the office when you are still at home.

Another robotic company is bringing Double Robotics to market and is one of those items that you should pay close attention to. This provides you with the ability to be in the office without actually being there. Robots are the future and this provides you with one that has an iPad attached to the top of it. While this does not come with an iPad which you have to supply, it does come with the motorized unit which is controlled through the iPad. It has two wheels to move about and even a kickstand to hold it up when not moving. Reminds me of the Segway. With the Double Robotics which you control remotely, it can be navigated throughout a building as long as there is a level surface.

You "drive" yourself to a meeting and once there, you can move the robot around to see things and people in the meeting. You can even adjust the height of the iPad on the top which is a plus. With the live streaming of video and voice between you and the location of the Double Robotics, you are an active participant. And, with you own iPad, you can connect to other Double Robotics and move them around as though you are actually there. All of this is made possible by connections over the web and the connected iPad controlling the Double Robotics.

We previously talked about the VGo Robots which are being used in hospitals and schools, but comes with a much higher price tag. With anything new, the prices tend to come down as others enter the market. The VGo starts at just under $6,000, making the Double Robotics seem like a bargain.

The Double Robotics is currently on pre-order for $1,999 as part of the second production run. The regular price is $2,500. While it may seem expensive, you only have to consider the costs of commuting to work for a few months to see the value that this provides. Robots are coming and this one is part of the growing movement.

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