Sunday, February 10, 2013

Is An Ubuntu Phone In Your Future?

Ubuntu PhoneFlying in the face of the big mobile phone operating systems, comes a new threat on the horizon. Apple with their iOS and Google with their Android OS have monopolized the marketplace. While one can debate the merits of each, there are always others lurking on the sidelines which can cut into their market share. In the past, RIM, now Blackberry, had a huge share of the market, but now have a much smaller market share which is down from years earlier.

Coming to the sidelines is Ubuntu for your phone and that means another OS for the market place. And this one us known for the great OS that runs on PC's and servers around the world. Already having a big name provides automatic recognition to consumers. The news about Ubuntu preparing to enter the phone market is not new and was known in April last year. What is new is a date when the first Ubuntu phones will be released and shipping according to the Wall Street Journal. This can be considered big news, but for Google, this presents a threat to their huge market share.

We know that major manufacturers of smart phones have been hit with lawsuits over features of the Android OS, most notably Samsung. With Ubuntu, a new option is being offered as a way to gain sales of smart phones without relying on Android for the majority of sales. There have been several reviews about just how well the Ubuntu OS is going to work on smart phones and there are obviously issues with a pre-beta product. Versions of the Ubuntu Phone OS are running on Android capable phones because it handles the same Android kernel and the associated drivers. This is making it very easy for people to look at the features for the Ubuntu OS on their phones.

A Ubuntu Phone OS is a ways off and much can change between now and October which may alter the landscape. As an example, a new Samsung Galaxy S5 or the next iPhone is going to have an impact. These and other items are going to be a major challenge for Ubuntu to be present on a significant number of phones this year. There is a lot of competition in the market right now with the Windows Phone OS continuing to struggle with growing its market share.

There is a possibility you may have a phone running the Ubuntu Phone OS. Is that something you would consider?

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