Friday, February 15, 2013

Clean Your Windows Computer With Jumpshot USB Stick

JumpshotKickstarter Friday - Removing Malware via a Linux USB Stick from Jumpshot

The idea of being able to remove Malware and other items from your Windows PC in a single step with a simple device is something that many of us have wanted to see. It is a painstaking process to clean up a new computer of all the bloatware that is added. Or to clean up bad registry settings when things are not going well. Or to try and clean up a virus that has taken up residence on your computer. These and many more items cause problems from minor to major. But, what if there was a device that you could plug into a USB port which would go through your computer and clean up all these items and even more. Would you be interested.

Today's project is Jumpshot which was a Kickstarter project last year and ended on September 8th with them receiving pledges of $162,598 for the goal of $2,500. Very impressive and it is because of what they are working to complete. The USB sticks, which come as strange looking characters, are packed with a Linux OS which has been designed to run and go through your Windows computer performing various tasks. This is the best product for non-technical folks who now rely on calling someone to come and work on their computer. Some of the things that Jumpshot can fix for you include:

  • Removing bloatware from a newly purchase computer

  • Removing a virus your anti-virus software can't remove

  • Speeding up a slow computer as compared to others

  • Determining the health of your computer

One of the great features for Jumpshot is the services from the Cloud which is part of the process. This will allow for updates to your Jumpshot stick so that it has the most current Linux OS version, if needed. The process starts by going out to the Internet if possible to see how their Cloud service can help you with the problems being experienced. If they can, the most current version is installed onto the Jumpshot USB. As part of the process, they can provide advanced services to fix your computer and we can expect that there will be some sort of charges for that. Exactly what those services will include will be finalized as this comes to market.

They are not currently selling the Jumpshot on the site and it is currently just a static page that only has a link to the Kickstarter project. Those who pledged amounts have received their Jumpshot USB stick and are using them. And there is a forum like site for reporting bugs, general questions and suggestions. It looks like they are using the pledge group to Beta test the entire concept before offering it to the general public. When this is made available, it looks like it will be very successful. No word on pricing for the Cloud Services. Current plans are to provide two sizes of 8 GB (USB 2.0) or 32 GB (USB 3.0). The Linux OS only takes up about 200 MB, so lots of space left over. Watch for this one to come to market as it will be a must have.

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