Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Apple Devices Become Target Of Hackers

Apple OS used to be considered safe from hackers.

MacBook Air
As a fairy tale, there was once a computer operating system which no one dared or was able to hack into. It was magical in how it prevented those who had mischief in their hearts from gaining unauthorized access. That wonderful time last for many years. While that may have been virtually true, it has been all but shattered in recent years with hackers able to infect Apple computers. It has only been in recent months where Apple has reluctantly removed their claims for the Mac OS X saying it does not get viruses. That is a sad state for all the Apple diehards who have been somewhat removed from all the other problems which are being experienced on Windows PCs. That is not to say the Apple OS has not had problems, just that it has not had a lot of problems with viruses and spam.

Apple used to advertise this fact on their web site page, but it has been updated as reported by Naked Security in June. While there was nothing said by Apple with the change, it does tell just how bad things have become and the Mac OS is no longer considered as one difficult for hackers to gain access to. Much of that change is due to the growing popularity with much credit going to Steve Jobs.

And the virus problems are not limited to the computers and the iPhone is expected to have viruses by year end. And this is all due to the growth of their devices. Android has been experiencing problems for quite a while now, but we have not heard of too much related to the iPhone. That is going to change.
While Apple has been more successful than Android in keeping malicious software out of its mobile operating system, security firm Kaspersky reports it has seen an increase in malicious threats, and that Apple is not yet as advanced as Microsoft in its security systems.

If you own a Mac or iPhone, you need to take note of this change. And you can expect to see a rise in attacks against Apple products as the year continues. There are not too many products to prevent virus infections on Apple products as there are for Windows based products. This is more than likely going to be changing this year as companies move to fill the need to protect Apple products. If you are the owner of a MacBook or iPhone, you will need to watch for and consider purchasing a product to protect your device.

One of Apple's big selling points has now disappeared and is a sign of the times. Those who create viruses and spambots target devices which are very popular and Apple has done a great job of becoming very popular. Now they have to defend their products from viruses and spambots.

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