Monday, February 27, 2012

Samsung Creating New Mobile Device Categories

Mobile Device Trending

We have seen new categories of devices being created and the one that comes to mind is that of Apple and how they established the tablet category with the release of the iPad. Apple has also attempted to combine categories together such as combining the iPod with the iPhone so that it reduces the number of devices which you have to carry with you. They were extremely successful in doing that. These kinds of things are going to continue as technology continues to improve. It seems that Samsung is attempting to create new categories with their Samsung Galaxy Note.

The Galaxy Note is the combination of a smart phone and a mini-tablet to create something new and unique. The note has created what Samsung is calling the "Phablet" category and it was recently released in the US. It is being heavily advertised to promote the use of a stylus which has not been really accepted since the Palm Pilot. The Galaxy Note appears to be growing in use throughout the world while carving out a brand new niche category for the device. It is starting to look like Samsung is going to be successful in their efforts to promote the Galaxy Note.

Galaxy BeamWe are now hearing about a whole other combination of devices from the Mobile World Congress where Samsung is announcing the Galaxy Beam which is the combination of a smart phone and a projection device. Contained in a single device, it presents a portable projection device for those who need something on the fly to show people a presentation or stream a movie. This could be viewed as a great item for business people who travel a lot and do not want to carry around projection equipment.

From a trending perspective, we now have a smart phone and mini-tablet combination in the Galaxy Note. We have a smart phone and projector combination from the Galaxy Beam. Both of these are sporting 4G LTE capabilities and dual core processors. It makes one wonder what the next trend is going to be with smart phones where technology merges together into a single device. We already have music players being combined with smart phones.

What do you think is going to be the next item added to a smart phone?

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