Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Gecko Device Makes Life Easier To Deal With

GeckoIf you are like most people, you have a lot of things going on and anything that might make it a little simpler is a very welcome idea. What if a small squares about 1.18 inches square and less then 1/4 inch thick could be used in a wide range of ways to accomplish that? Much more than simple task of finding your phone as others have put out or working on. A device that can help you remember to do selected tasks or keep track of whether a door has been opened. Or one that can help you find your pet which you are looking for. It seems that we are all very busy, so something that can make life easier is a welcome idea. And that is what you get with Gecko.

The Gecko Device is on Indiegogo as a funding campaign where they hope to raise $50,000. And with $35,000, it looks like that will happen with 25 days left. The basis for everything that the Gecko device can do is your smart phone. It relies on Bluetooth 4.0, so any device which supports that can work with it. For Android, that is very few devices and requires Android 4.3. But all Apple iOS device for the past 2 years should support the Bluetooth needs for the Gecko.

The number of things that you can do with this is rather amazing and there are probably far more that will come about as all it requires is an app to be written to take advantage of it. The beauty of the Gecko is you can use a multitude of them to make your life easier. You can attach one to your keys to help you find your smartphone. Or use your smartphone to find your keys. Two of the most nagging problems that I seem to have in the morning.

While the name of Gecko may seem rather strange, what it can do more than makes up for that. It is powered by a small battery about the size of a quarter and is easily replaced. You can use the Gecko to remind you to take your medications as it can be placed on your pills and if they do not move, the app knows that you have not take them. Of you can put it on just about anything to be alerted when it moves, such as a door or a bag. In the video below, they show it being shaken to change the music you are listening to on your smartphone. Or put it on a pet and it can alert you if they leave your home. It also can respond to hand gestures as well. All of these are great examples of what it can do.

And like the Tile device, the community of users can help you find something that is farther away than your Bluetooth signal can reach, such as your dog. All pretty interesting as to what this can do. Hopefully your interest has increased with this. The estimated delivery for those who fund the campaign is either December 2013 or January 2014 depending on what you contribute. You can Contribute Now with various amounts and depending on how much you contribute from $25 and up, you could get 1 or more Gecko devices when they ship.

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