Monday, September 30, 2013

7 Productivity Tech Tips

Techie girl worried about time

Not enough time in the day to finish what you need to get done? Wish the day was longer? I do too; not for work though. So I have more time to do things I enjoy.

Like all productivity articles, these 7 tips will help you save time and get more done in your workday. However, I also believe these tips will improve the quality of your work, helping you to think clearly and creatively.

Eliminate Online Temptations

You probably thought I was going to tell you how to use technology to improve your productivity, but in this first tip I'm telling you to avoid it. There are so many distractions online, from news to gossip to videos and social media. For me the worst is news.

Not only are these online distractions productivity killers, but they can sap your energy and motivation. How often does reading the news in the morning make you happy and keep you energized throughout the day?

I make an effort not to read or watch any news during my workday. And I don't start my day with news; it's usually too negative and leads to a slow start. If I get any news at all it's at the end of the day, while I'm working out or during downtime.

You may have your own online vices: YouTube, Facebook, Reddit. I treat these sites like dessert: I can indulge in them AFTER I've eaten all my vegetables. (By the way, contrary to popular belief, social media is NOT work unless you're executing a plan.)

This is a productivity tip that requires your own self-control. I gave you couple examples of how I manage my distractions, which you can emulate, but it's up to you to come up with a plan for yourself.

By eliminating the online distractions, I believe you'll find that you get more done. Perhaps more importantly, you'll feel better doing it by eliminating the negativity.

Take Your Breaks Seriously

You've probably heard the advice to take periodic breaks while you work. Breaks can refresh the mind and getting up out of your chair helps get the blood flowing to the lower part of your body.

To get the most from breaks there's a technique you can called the Pomodoro Technique. Basically it works like this: you work for a set period of time, like 25 minutes, then take a 3 to 5 minute break. After the break start another 25 minute work session and repeat the pattern. After four sessions take a longer break, 15 minutes or more.

There are variations to this technique. I first heard about it from a legendary copywriter who recommended 33 minute sessions. Twenty-five is recommended but you may find an interval that works better for you.

I find the technique helps with writing. Usually after the break I get one or two new ideas to write about or think of better ways to make my points. It also helps me feel refreshed when taking care of mundane tasks.

If I'm feeling a little fatigued, I'll use my break to have a glass of cold water and take a short walk outside to get the mail or see what my cats are up to. You'd be surprised how a little water and physical activity can boost your energy. It's almost as good as coffee. If you can, try to get outside the office during your breaks.

To use the Pomodoro Technique you'll need a timer. There are numerous timer apps you can download for free and use. I like using a real cooking timer on my desk, which some experts recommend, but anything to let you know when to stop and start working is fine.

Salvage Dead Time with Your Smartphone or Tablet

This is my favorite tech tip. "Dead time" is any small pocket of time throughout the day spent while waiting in offices, airports, before a meeting, riding the subway, etc. Instead of these being timewasters, you can use them to knockout tasks.

Today's phones have more computer processing power that the average desktop computer did a few years ago. These days, you can be just as productive in the doctor's waiting room as you are in the office. Even an econo-smartphone can provide a huge productivity boost.

Thanks to all the apps available for your mobile device, you can stay on top of customer service, participate in meetings, manage your website and even respond to blog commenters. You can service your customers faster, respond immediately to new leads and capture fresh thought and ideas.

I primarily use dead time to catch up on emails. But there are times I'll start to work on a paper I need to write or crunch some numbers in a spreadsheet. Research and note taking are other tasks that are great for dead time.

Commuting for most is a large chunk of dead time and a great opportunity to cross several tasks off your to-do list. Even if you drive yourself to work each day you can still be productive. For instance, there are apps that can read your emails out loud, and if you're feeling brave, you can learn how to respond to message with your voice. You can listen in on live or recorded meetings.

Once I had a meeting with at an office over an hour from my house. As I drove home from the meeting, I used a dictation app to write a report based on information shared in the meeting. Since it was fresh in my mind it turned out to be the best time to start capturing thoughts. When I arrived home, I opened the document I dictated, did a few minutes of editing and sent it off to everyone who attended the meeting. Done!

Use Folders

This tip really deserves its own article or ebook. The age of massive hard drives and unlimited free email storage has created a new problem: finding stuff. How much time are you wasting each day searching for files on your computer or for important emails in your inbox?

I call this the silent productivity killer because most people don't realize how much time they waste looking for things. As we collect more and more information every day, the problem gets worse to the point where the search features on our desktops and in our emails become less effective.

Your incoming information needs to be organized and managed. Start by having a plan for received info: act, file or delete.

Act and delete are self-evident. Before you can file something you'll need a place to put it where it can be easily retrieved when needed. Begin creating folders on your computer and in your email to organize saved information.

Spend a little time planning your folders ahead of time. Having too many folders is not going to help much. Get out a sheet of paper and start mapping out a logical hierarchy for your information.

On your computer, stick to no more than 5 to 7 folders at each level. Less is more; a screen with 20 folders makes it hard to quickly identify which one you need. You can probably organize all your information in two or three levels, meaning it will only take 3 clicks to get what you need.

Also, learn how to favorite or bookmark folders you use often. Keep your desktop clean of icons and place a few shortcuts to these folders. Again, keep the number of icons to 6 or 7.

For email, organize your folders into broader topics compared to your computer and try to keep subfolders at one level. Avoid using email as an information archive. If someone sends an important PDF, save it to your computer and access it from there.

I realize emails are also a record of when something was sent, along with notes attached, but try your best to offload as much as you can. Stick to using email for messaging, it wasn't really designed to be a library.

When using email, discipline yourself not to read something unless you're willing to act on it, file it or delete it. Don't read an email and leave it in your inbox for later! You just read it, why read the same message two or three times?

Again, there are books written on this topic. These were just a few quick tips, but if you're overwhelmed by PDFs, spreadsheets and emails, here are a couple resources:

Getting Things Done

Total Workday Control Using Microsoft Outlook

Bookmark Online Information

This tip goes hand-in-hand with the last one. Someone sends you a link to an important website, or you come across a valuable article you want to use in the future.

A week later and you want to revisit that site, but you can't find it! You run through the site name in your head to try and remember, or search for that email perhaps giving up and asking the friend to resend it. Either way, you've lost time you didn't need to.

Trying to remember sites and links is futile. Start saving important sites and online resources by bookmarking the links.

There are many tools that can be used to bookmark sites and links. One of the most well-known is Evernote, which as also has apps for Android, iPhone and WindowsPhone so you can save and access your information across all devices.

I've used a bookmarking service for years called Diigo. I like the features more than Evernote, though the Evernote app is much better than Diigo's. Since I do most of my research on my desktop computer Diigo works out well for me.

Diigo note taking service home page

Diigo and Evernote offer free toolbars you can install in your browser. When you visit a link that's worth saving, just click a button on the toolbar and the site is captured forever. You can also make notes on what you save, list, categorize and tag for easy retrieval. If you need to download a list of items you've saved, you can do that too.

Turn Off Email and Chat Programs

Chat programs like Skype and Google Talk/Hangouts can break your concentration and interrupt your thought at the worse times. People on the other end don't know what you're in the middle of and seem to assume whatever you're doing is not important.

Keep these turned off while you work. Better yet, configure the settings so they don't start up automatically when you turn your computer on in the morning. Don't rely on "invisible" modes, your friends may think you're really online and try messaging you even though your status says offline.

Email is a bottomless pit. As soon as you finish one email three more pop in your inbox. This goes on all day and there's nothing you can do except pull yourself away.

I set times during the day I check mail. I'm between those times I don't have any email programs open to prevent being distracted by the new message notifications (I've found turning those off to be ineffective).

I have a hard deadline in the morning to stop reading emails and get to work. If I'm not done with emails when the deadline is reached it doesn't matter. I shut down my email program and switch gears.

Some productivity experts recommend not checking email at all in the morning. It's too easy to lose track of time and space. For me, I have customers and I can't take the chance of missing a question came in during the night. I need to look through my inbox each morning for at least a few minutes.

The next time I check mail is during "dead time," mentioned in tip #3. It's inevitable I have one or two dead time situations each day.

Towards the end of my day, after I've knocked out my most important tasks, is when I spend time cleaning out my inbox. I'll try to respond, save or delete everything I can in about 30 minutes.

That's an example of how I handle email. Like I said earlier, the reason you stop working on email each day is because you decide it's time to work on something else. It only makes sense to put time limits on your email checking.

If you're running a business where you handle customer service or you need to respond to escalations and decisions, you'll have to come up with a reasonable email schedule that maintains your service levels.

Use To-do and Calendar Apps

You may use a paper notepad for to manage your daily to-do list, there's certainly nothing wrong with that. I still use a whiteboard in my office to remind myself of important dates.

However, there are some advantages to using online task managers and calendars. Here are a few:

  • Sharing - With online calendars, such as Google Calendar, you can share types of events with certain people. It could save you from having to explain to someone what you have planned in the coming week if they can see for themselves.

  • Collaboration - If you're part of a project team, you may have tasks that are dependent on others. An online task manager can notify you when something you're waiting on is done or automatically assign new tasks.

  • Reporting - When you have to submit expense or progress reports, it's nice not to have to put together a real paper trail. Online calendars will allow you to export dates you traveled or worked, and task management apps can list everything you completed during a certain period.

  • Reminders – You can set due dates on tasks and schedule reminders. And of course, people have been using reminders for events and meetings for as long as the personal computer has been around.

Whether you use paper or apps, or a combination of both (like me), the main point of this tip is to have something you can refer to that tells you what you need to do and when to do it.

I like to spend the last few minutes of my workday jotting down what I need to do the following day. I glance at what I already have scheduled and factor that into my list. Then I prioritize the list. That's the to-do list I'll refer to in the morning.

Have a tech tip that boosts productivity? Let us know about it in the comments below.

Transformable Power Strip Twists To Hold More - TwistVolt

TwistVoltPower strips have always been pretty bland over the years generally coming in black or white with the outlets being in a straight line. That is what has been the case for well over 20 years and not a lot has changed. We have seen some in the past few years which allow them to come in different shapes to accommodate that ever growing need to provide power to computers and devices. And with all the USB charge cables we have been collecting, the ordinary power strip does not handle those though some of the recent ones provide for that. Given the straight line power strips, wouldn't you like to see a power strip which can do more. The TwistVolt gives you a power strip along with providing a unique form which looks very interesting.

The TwistVolt is currently looking for funding over at Dragon Innovations where TwistVolt is an active project. This has been out there for only a few days with a goal of raising $95,000. While the goal may seem high, this one is really worth taking a look at. With all the connections to power strips that I have, it seems there are always wasted plugs because some power blocks are just two big and cover over 3 outlet plugs instead of one. There is almost always one plug that seems to go in sideways and takes up 2 power outlets. These reduces the usability of a power strip to plug in devices. The TwistVolt is going to change this problem.

While there are alternatives to this problem, TwistVolt looks to be a very unique solution to the problem allowing one to use each and everyone of the 6 power outlets without having to worry about that power block that is large. There are many different ways that you can twist the TwistVolt with its 7 joints so this is very flexible for you to use and there will always be a way to twist it to take advantage of the 6 outloets. But, that is not all there is to the TwistVolt. It comes with USB conectitions as well and depending on your contribution level, you can get 1 or up to 8 USB charging ports to handle the growing number of devices we all seem to collect.

One might think that this is all there is to the TwistVolt, but you would be wrong. They have added circuits into the product to clean the power flowing through it and while you may not think that is something to be concerned about, it is. This will regulate the power. With that, they will also be providing power to make sure that your devices are getting the amount of power they require to be charged up. We have talked about how different USB ports deliver different watts. Well here is one that will handle that for you.

And there is more. We all know that when you are charging up a USB device that once that device gets charged up, anything after that charging may just be wasted energy. The TwistVolt is going to have technology that senses when your device is charged. And when it senses that, it will reduce to the power to that USB port to be a fraction of what it was. All of these items make this a unique product.

The TwistVolt is scheduled to be shipped to those who contribute to the campaign for delivery in May 2014 if they meet their funding goal. This excellent looking product needs backers and you can contribute at various levels starting at $49 and up from there providing you at least 1 USB port. Higher amounts give you more USB ports. If you have a lot of devices which charge via USB, this looks like a great product for you to have.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Making the Most of the Goodreads App

Goodreads iconWhen it comes to connecting with fellow readers and getting recommendations for your next reading adventure, the Goodreads app is one of the best options available. You can chart all the books that you have read as well as get ideas for your next books. Because it allows you to connect with other readers, you can participate in an online community that can be quite fun. Here are some of the things you should do to make the most of your Goodreads app on your tablet or smart phone.

Update All the Books You Have Read and Post Brief Reviews

A lot of people try to start using the Goodreads app right away without updating it with the books they have read or supplying reviews. However, to get the most out of the Goodreads community, you need to make sure that you do this. The recommendations that the Goodreads app algorithms provide require your input. The reviews also make it more likely that you will receive more tailored recommendations. The added benefit to supplying the reviews is the fact that it gives other readers the opportunity to connect with you. These individuals can then give you their own recommendations for other books that you might enjoy.

Use the Goodreads Hash Tags for Further Recommendations and Interactions

The Goodreads app is not always the best option for more in-depth conversations. However, you can still get that analysis and conversation going by using other social media apps and platforms to engage in conversation. This is partially how the Fifty Shades of Grey eBook made it so big. It generated significant discussions and conversations not only on Goodreads but also on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.

Goodreads provides some of its own recommended hash tags for continuing conversations on other platforms. Some of the members also post their own recommendations for bringing in others. Use these if you want to get into dialogues that receive more publicity.

Fill Out Your Wish List

To get even more precise recommendations, make sure that you fill out your reading wish list. The reading wish list or the "to read" list are great ways to let other readers know what's on your mind and what you're looking for. The Good Read algorithms will also provide more tailored recommendations. Try to choose books in diverse genres if you want more variety in the recommendations. However, if you want books from only a specific genre, then focus your efforts there.

Making the most out of your Goodreads app can help you to find a number of great books to read and help out your fellow readers at the same time. When you get started, you will need to make sure that you update all the books you have read. Take the time to post brief reviews on these books. You should also use the hash tags and other social media platforms to stimulate even greater discussion. From there, make sure that you also fill out your wish list so that Goodreads and the other readers know what kind of books you're looking for.

Portable Battery With Different Charge Output - Zendure

Ultra High Capacity Batteries in 3 different sizes.

ZendureIn the world of portable battery chargers, there is a lot of competition right now to convince you to buy their products. That is because of the very poor battery life of our smartphones which quite often does not last a full day. So, we have to carry around chargers or a portable battery charger in order to make sure that our smartphones are always usable when we need them. With that, there is a continuing flow of new portable battery chargers coming to market. The latest one has a number of different features which we like and is called the Zendure. One of the big features they are pushing is that of the cases containing the battery are crush proof and that is a great feature to have when carry one in your back pocket. But, that is not the feature that we are seeing on the Zendure which really makes this one unique. Read on.

This week's KickStarter projects is the Zendure Crush Proof External Batteries. This is an active KickStarter funding campaign with 12 days to go with a goal of $30,000. They have already seen pledges of over $79,000 showing that there is immense interest in this coming product which is estimated to ship in November. But the real value for this is beyond the crush proof cases they are talking about.

The big value that we see in the Zendure is the two (2) different USB ports at different wattage output. This is unique and I have not seen one like this before. We have seen the Pratical Meter which helps you find the highest output port on your computer for watts. And that is a great tool to have for charging up a portable battery. But, having one on your portable battery charger is something new and worth taking a look at. There is a blue and a black USB port put on the Zendure. The black one outputs at 1 amp and the blue one outputs at 2.1 amps. You may not consider that to be a big deal, but for some it is. With that, you can charge two different devices and the blue USB port gets the priority in charging. So, you can be charging up your smartphone on the blue side and another device on the black USB port.

The output from the Zendure is what makes this different. They are claiming a circuit efficiency of of 95% as compared to that of others at 90%. That means that you will get more of a charge out of the battery. And they have included the ability to charge your battery and at the same time charge your smartphone. Not all portable batteries can do that. You can check out the number of times you can charge a device from the ultra high capacity Zendure on the KickStarter page.

With three different models of the Zendure, you can get the one that meets your needs. The A3 is a 9,000 mAh battery, the A4 is a 12,000 mAh battery and the A5 is a 15,000 battery. The sizes are great for these at 3.8 by 2.5 by 1 inch (A3), 4.5 by 2.8 by 1 inch (A4) or 5 by 2.9 by 1 inch (A5). They are pushing the crush proof case where they ran over it multiple times and it withstood that beating. That is a good thing, but not the only reason that we buy a portable battery charger.

With the various charging options, ultra high capacity and crush proof case, this is a very different product and one that is worth a look. If you want to be among the first to receive one, you should go and make a pledge of at least $45 to be able to get yours. As the amounts you pledge go up, the better the size or even multiple Zendure portable batteries. The choice is yours.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Essential Elements in Web Design for Increasing Traffic

web-designIt's important to keep web designs cutting edge to increase traffic. For eCommerce stores, the need becomes even more important. Business2Community describes the levels of innovation as increasing at a rate that might scare some businesses, but that, instead of being frightened, they should focus on the most essential elements. Here are some of the top ones you should consider including.

Mobile Website Compatibility

One of the most important elements that you must have in a website design is mobile website compatibility. Margin Media conducted a study and found that 48 percent of users will decide against using a business's service if they get to the mobile website and find it doesn't work well.


Blogs have been around since the early days of the Internet. According to "The History of Bloggin," the first blog post was published in 1997, and it soon became one of the most popular sources of web content. The Search Engine Journal states that blog posts still provide some of the best options when it comes to building up indexed web pages, as long as the content is valuable. You can get a blog started on a number of free services as well as most places where you can build a website for free.

Responsive Design

Responsive design is considered one of the must have components of an effective website, according to eMarketer. It basically means that your website will adjust to fit any screen. It's not all that is involved in making a website compatible with all mobile devices, but it's often an important part. The main benefit that it offers is the fact that the viewing experience will be the same across multiple platforms.

Fast Loading Times

A number of studies have been set up to see how long people will wait for a web page to load. Surprisingly, it doesn't seem to matter whether it's on a traditional computer or on a mobile device. eConsultancy's study found that 40 percent of people leave a website if the page takes more than three seconds in loading time. Mobile Joomla found that the number of pages that potential customers leave increase over 100 percent when it takes more than four seconds, and it goes up 150 percent if the page takes over eight seconds. Sometimes making sure that your web pages load faster will require that the design be streamlined. This is part of the reason that the modern web design has started leaning so heavily toward the minimalist influence.

Single Landing Pages for Each Product

Landing pages have not yet become dinosaurs in the Internet marketing world. While hard sell techniques still provide far lower results than other forms of advertising, certain elements of the classic hard sell campaign can still be beneficial. The landing page is one of these. According to the Marketing Sherpa, the secret is to make sure that each landing page focuses on a single goal. HubSpot's research discovered that many businesses wind up with 30+ landing pages, but that these businesses developed 7-12 times more leads than businesses with a single landing page for all their products, or even less than five such pages.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is Skype Premium Worth It?

Skype iconYou may be a long time Skype user and wondering if you should upgrade to Premium. If you’d like to upgrade to use group video and make unlimited calls to phones, those are good reasons to consider paying for Skype.

If you’re upgrading just to get premium call quality, then you may want to reassess your needs. Since they rely on the Internet, Skype and other VoIP services are susceptible to call quality issues. However, there might be other compelling reasons to start paying for Skype. In this article I take a close look at Skype Premium and some of the alternatives.

Skype Premium subscriptions feature group video calling for up to 10 people and includes group screen sharing. Currently with free Skype you can have only two on a video call, but you can have up to 25 on a voice conference.

You can make unlimited calls to landlines and mobile phones to a country of your choice. You also get live tech support via IM and no ads in the software.

Skype Premium is reasonably priced at $9.99 USD per month. If you pay annually you can get it for as low as $59.88, which comes out to only $4.99 a month. That’s not bad at all.

Now you may be thinking of upgrading to Premium to use Skype in your business, and wonder how dependable voice and video conferencing is and if it can be relied on for professional meetings.

Skype for Business

One of the complaints I often hear with Skype is that it can be unreliable, especially in multiparty calls. This is a concern if you hope to use Skype for your business.

The problems may not be Skype’s fault. It could be your Internet connection, router settings or something with your ISP, which would affect any VoIP service. Using another service may not improve your call reliability.

Perhaps the best strategy is using several communications services. When your primary service has problems, you switch to a backup. This is a strategy I use, often rotating services to make sure we get through meetings.

Switching services in the middle of a call is certainly not convenient, especially when there are more than two people on the call. The interruption breaks the current stream of thought and you may lose momentum. For one-on-one calls this is less of an issue in my experience.

The key is to always be prepared. For example, for important meetings I may record the session. If anyone has connectivity issues I will continue the meeting and send a copy of the recording to all attendees.

Skype does not have a recording feature built into its software, but it is possible with the use of add-on tools. The tool I use, which is the one Skype recommends, is Evaer Skype video recorder. You can find out more about here:

Most people are forgiving when you have technical issues, especially if you have a good relationship with the involved parties. People understand having been there before and realize it’s not your fault. However, when you have a meeting with someone or a group you don’t know very well, it can be another story. A bad connection or dropped call may annoy some in group. It might be better to rely on your mobile or landlines for initial meetings with a new client or partner as you build rapport, then move collaboration to VoIP later.

If you do use Skype Premium for your business, you should have at least one conferencing backup. Here are a few free and low cost VoIP services that can serve as backups or alternatives to Skype:

Google Hangouts

There’s been a lot of hype since the launch of Google Hangouts. Unlike Skype, Hangouts allows video conferencing with 10 people for free.

Hangouts has some nice features such as integration with Google apps, like Google Docs, and live video streaming. The live streaming feature, “On Air,” allows viewers to watch a Hangout live on YouTube. Great for your own “TV” show or other live broadcast.

Hangouts does have some very cool features, and even more impressive is that these features are free. However, for basic chat and one-on-one video calls, I don’t think Hangouts has any advantage over Skype.

When it comes to calling phones Hangouts is limited. Google Voice, which is integrated with Hangouts, only works in the U.S. If you’re outside the U.S. or need to call people outside the U.S. you’re out of luck. But if all your business dealings are within the U.S. or you only need a backup for video meetings, then Hangouts should work out well.


Oovoo was designed for video calling, and it does it well. You can have 12 people on a video call for free. It even has screen sharing and can record calls under the free plan. The Premium plan just removes ads from the software, provides priority support and gives you some online storage for your recordings.

The only problem is getting people to use Oovoo when there’s Skype and Hangouts, which is why I use it mainly for backup purposes. It’s much easier to coordinate and get a group of people connected on a Skype call. It does have a feature that allows people to receive calls without an Oovoo account, but the participation is limited.

Phone Power

If most of your business or personal communication is over the phone, and video conferencing is less of a priority, then Phone Power unlimited business phone servicemight be a better option than Skype Premium.

Phone Power is a top rated VoIP service that provides unlimited calls for as little $8.33 USD a month. You get a phone number for others to call you (additional cost with Skype) and a second phone line for free. It’s packed with features, such as 3-Way calling, call forwarding, 911 and ClickToCall. See all of the 45 features visit here: Phone Power plans

Phone Power is a replacement for residential or small business landline, but it does not offer video calls. If video is not important to you, then Phone Power is the way to go. If you ever need video conferencing, just use Google Hangouts or Oovoo for free.

Other Communications Backups

IM Apps

Look around, these days there are chat programs embedded into many apps and desktop programs. Many offer voice and video, and can be pretty reliable. For instance, sometimes if my gamer buddies and I are using Hangouts or Skype and experience poor quality or drops, we’ll switch to Steam chat and not miss a beat.


Once I had a Skype meeting planned and joined the meeting from my desktop computer. Because of poor call quality, I couldn't understand when people spoke and they had trouble hearing me.

I opened the Skype app on my smartphone, dropped off my desktop and rejoined the meeting on my phone. The call was clear. I suppose the improvement was because I was on a different Internet connection, one through my phone provider.

The great thing was that I missed only a second or two of the meeting while I was reconnecting. Since my phone was on my desk I was able to fire up Skype and sign in while I was still in the meeting on my desktop. The switch was almost seamless. This is a case where I used Skype as a backup for Skype thanks for my phone!

This is another example of planning ahead, having not only available backup services, but backup devices too. You may not realize it, but if you have a data plan with your phone or tablet, that’s a backup Internet and communications line you can use when you have issues with your primary line.

So it is possible to effectively use Skype in your business with some planning and preparedness.

Skype’s Biggest Advantage

Skype for Windows screenshot
Possibly the biggest advantage of using Skype is that it’s user friendly and ubiquitous; most people already know how to use it. Everyone in my family uses it to stay in touch more than they use their phones. My relatives in their 70s and 80s are probably the ones who use it the most!

With millions of subscribers, Skype is almost as universal as having a phone number. It’s now integrated with Facebook, and Microsoft has been forcing people to use Skype as they phase out MSN Messenger, bringing even more subscribers. If you want to have a call or meeting it might be a challenge to get other parties to use something else.

This is sometimes an overlooked benefit of using Skype. Sure, you can get cheaper VoIP services, but few can offer hassle-free video calling with almost anyone in the world. I can’t tell you how many friends and relatives I have who depend on Skype to video chat with isolated and elderly family members, and how much they value those calls. You can’t put a price on that.

Is Skype Premium worth it? In my opinion, yes, as long as you have realistic expectations.

Your Bicycle Navigator With Hammerhead

hammerheadIf you enjoy riding your bike, you will want to take a look at this one. There are a growing number of products which are tailored specifically for the biking crowd which is outstanding. We have talked about some of them where they can charge up your smartphone while your ride. And there are more all the time being developed which can make a difference for your daily ride. One that we have seen is in the developmental stages and trying to gather funding to move towards production. This is the Hammerhead Navigation which has some unique features along with interacting with your smartphone to provide you with a better ride.

The Hammerhead Bike Navigator looks to be another of the crowd funding campaign from Dragon Innovation and is one that holds a lot of promise. They have have raise just under $48,000 of their goal of $145,000 with 17 days left. The great value in this over other types of navigation systems is that it is so simple to see at glance. With those on a smartphone screen, you have to look and figure out what it is you need from the screen. The Hammerhead is nothing more than a series of LED lights to help guide you on your ride and communicates with your smartphone.

Designed to work with both iOS and Android devices, it can provide you with directions at a quick glance. The T-shape of the device makes it work and as you can see from the video, it is attached to your handle bars in the center and out front of that making it easy to view. You will have to set up your planned path ahead of time on your smartphone. Since it is getting information from your smartphone, it does not have to duplicate those functions in the Hammerhead navigator. And if you alter your path because of construction or closures, it can help get you back on track just like any other GPS device for navigation.

With the Hammerhead Navigator, you will have what you need on your daily ride. There are a few drawbacks for this. One is that it will be using Bluetooth 4.0, which has few Android devices currently on the market. Another is that the LED lights are going to be difficult to read in bright sunlight. But, there are a lot of positives for the Hammerhead Navigator. It can give you an idea as to the distance to your next turn and the distance to your destination. And it includes a headlight as well for riding at night along with side lights so that other vehicles know you are going to turn.

And with a community of riders, you can share your ride with others.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Replacing Your Mouse With Leap Motion Controller

Leap MotionIf you have ever used the xBox game controller with its Kinect extension which relies on body movement instead of having to press buttons, you may be wanting to have something like that for your computer. The idea of using your hands to control the cursor movement on the screen instead of pushing your mouse around is an intriguing idea. Moving your hands in the air to control what is on the screen sounds so much like the future for technology that we envisioned years back. It seems that the glimpse into the future may be here now with the Leap Motion controller which is an add on to your computer.

The Leap Motion controller lets you use your hands to interact with the screen in ways that were not previously possible. It easily plugs into your USB port to then allow you to use it when interacting with the screen. One of the obvious uses for the Leap Motion controller will be games which will make this a lot of fun. Drawing will be another and with its fine precision that it can track, this should be popular.

It is a bit different in how it works, especially if you compare it to the Kinect. The Kinect does not detect fine movements because of what it is designed to work with. The Leap Motion works with cameras and infrared optics allowing it to be able to keep track of your fingers and where they are at. And that is tracking each finger individually. The key to the future for the Leap Motion controller is having software which will interact with it and should not take to long with companies looking at the Leap Motion Controller.

It seems that the idea of the Leap Motion Controller has caught on as HP will be embedding the Leap Motion controller into the coming HP ENVY17 Leap Motion SE laptop which should be available starting in October. For HP to commit to this shows that the technology is viable and useful in computers.

While this still has more work to be done to deliver the kind of interaction that we desire, that is more software related than anything else. And the improvements are continuing on the software side and will continue to get better especially as more software provides the ability to work with the Leap Motion Controller. The only drawback is that bright light has an impact on the ability of the Leap Motion to identify your hand movements. So, if you want to work with the future today, it is here with the Leap Motion Controller. And you can pick it up at the Leap Motion Store for $79.99 plus tax and shipping. A pretty inexpensive way to begin playing with the future.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Your Health Monitored By An Angel Band

Angel SensorThe idea of wearing a device to monitor your body has become very common over the past few years, with most of them focusing on the idea of exercise. And they have been very popular. But there is a whole other area where the idea of wearing a device to monitor things is growing in popularity and that is with health. If you have kids, you know the concerns that you have with their health. If you have some medical condition, then you are often wondering just how you are doing. Having a way to monitor things without having to stop and measure some value is the future for our health. And the future continues to look very bright. The Angel health sensor band may be just the thing that you want to see for monitoring your various vital signs for your health.

While the Angel health sensor band provides some great features for health purposes, it still can meet the needs of many for their athletic activities as well. That is because it measures pulse, blood oxygen & flow, your temperature and your activity. It is these kind of items being measured which provides great value as we watch our health and includes being able to monitor your sleep which has recently become a popular item. The Angel sensor can share all of this information with a mobile device which collects it and puts into a usable form for alerting you or just plain reporting on various measurements.

While many products we hear about provide their own apps so that things are proprietary, the Angel sensor band is going to be open source so that any developer can provide an app taking advantage of the information from the band. That is great news for so many and can provide many different options for you to take advantage of. Open source seems to make products more successful as others can leverage the technology. And given that it monitors multiple items, it will have appeal to different developers for different reasons.

So, you might be asking where you can get the Angel Health Sensor band. At the moment, it is gathering funding for the launch of this great idea. The Angel band is currently an Indiegogo campaign with a goal of $100,000 running until November 1st. They have already raised 1/3 of that amount and are continuing to see money coming in. For a contribution of $135, you can get your own Angel health sensor band with an estimated delivery of April next year. Once this coming to market, the Angel band will retail for $159.

If you are concerned about your health or that of others, the Angel Health Sensor band is exactly what you are looking for.

Friday, September 20, 2013

How To Remember Your Dreams With Shadow

Recording Your Dreams To Help Figure Them Out.

ShadowsIf you have ever wondered about your dreams, there may be a product which can help you in that area. Not so much interpreting them for you, but giving you the ability to try and record them so that you can review them later. That has been the problem over the years as you know that you have dreams, but when you try and recall them later in the day, you just can't seem to get the details to what you dreamed about. And sometimes that is ever important. If you are one you sleeps on something so that you can come up with a solution, you need a tool to help you remember that information. And that is where Shadow comes in where you record your dreams and they can be stored in the Cloud.

This week's KickStarter project is Shadow - Community of Dreamers which is an app to help you remember your dreams by recording them. The concept is simple and involves them creating an app for your smart phone which will gradually wake you up from your sleep so that you can then record your dreams. You simply set the time that you want to wake up and it is handled by the app. These escalating alarms move you from various sleep stages to being awake. It is at this point that you are best prepared to remember your dreams.

A web site for Shadow is up and looks very slick guiding you through the sales pitch. The premise is that as you record your dreams over time that patterns will emerge. And with these, you might find something which can change your life. The whole idea of how dreams might be able to provide clues for direction for the future is one that many consider. The problem has always been remembering your dreams and now with Shadow, you have that ability.

Who ever is doing marketing for this effort is doing an outstanding job as this started on September 17th with a goal of $50,000 and they are 70% of the way there. And this funding campaign goes until November 2nd, so it looks like the funding for this is going to be huge. They have multiple levels of contributions for Shadow you can make and for each level, there is a different delivery date and for higher levels, you can added items such signed copies of a book.

  • Friends Circle - $8 - Delivered April 2014

  • Bronze Circle - $20 - Delivered March 2014

  • Silver Circle - $40 - Delivered February 2014

  • Gold Circle - $60 - Delivered January 2014

  • Platinum Circle - $100 - Delivered December 2013

A few of the levels for Shadow are sold out, but there are higher ones you can select. The strange things about Shadow is they have not committed as to what the first product will support. That is up to what people select for contributions. At each level, you can chose between Android, iOS and Windows for the Shadow app of your choice. The OS with the highest levels of contributions will be the one developed first. Not sure how that will work for all those contributions for another OS. You should take a look at the contribution levels for Shadow.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Making Your Website Popular

crowd at rock concert

So you have a great idea for a website. Maybe you have a great product that you’re selling or you have some great information you’re putting out there for your readers, but you just aren’t getting enough visitors or enough business. There are some things you can do to increase your website’s popularity and make sure that your product or information is reaching as many people as possible. Especially if your website is a way to earn money for you, it’s very important to follow some of these tips and make sure that your website is visited frequently by repeat visitors and that it’s visited by new visitors as well.

Engaging Visitors from Their First Look at Your Website

When readers or clients first click on your website and arrive at your home page, it’s important to make sure that the look of your website makes them want to say and continue reading or shopping. If your website looks old or unprofessional, many people will continue looking elsewhere. Keep them on your page by making your home page clean and organized and by making sure your graphics and fonts are modern and easy to see. Images are a great way to engage reader’s initial interest, so try to include some photographs or images and not just text, especially on your home page. If you are running a business, create a logo and make sure it is prominent on the first page. If you are providing information, choose some sort of illustration or photograph that connects to your articles. By making sure your readers are engaged at first look, you’ll keep repeat visitors and attract new ones.

Find Ways to Link Your Website to Other Websites

If you’re concerned about how to get traffic to your website, a great tactic is to find sites that compliment yours and link to them. Don’t link to another site that sells or provides the same product or information as your site, but rather find sites that compliment yours, providing your readers with additional reasons to look at your page.

If you are writing about fashion, link your site to other sites about beauty or stylish home décor. If you’re selling jewelry, link your page to a website that shows interesting and stylish ways to wear jewelry such as the kind you sell on your site. If you can find ways to show your readers that your product or content is relevant outside just your webpage, your traffic will increase. If other sites start linking to your site, as well, you’ll definitely find an increase in visitors to your webpage, and therefore and increase in clients or readers.

Starting a website can be a daunting task when you aren’t sure how to get readers or clients. By making your website as attractive as possible and finding ways to make it relevant to your readers, even if they aren’t looking for your specific information or product, you’ll keep them visiting your site again and again.

Monday, September 16, 2013

WordPress DIY Questions

Bolt with WordPress logoThe following is a collection of the most common questions I receive on WordPress, the world's most popular web publishing platform. These answers can be a great help to any DIYer managing their own WordPress websites. You may want to bookmark this page for future reference.

If you manage your own sites and are wondering if you should use WordPress in the first place, this post will answer your question: Why WordPress May Not Be The Answer


Many of the answers to these questions relate to theme selection. A good theme with a various configuration options and easy to use administration panel will give you a painless method for customizing your site's layout, style, header and footer. Consider paying for a premium theme that has all the features you want and is easy to use.

What's the best photo gallery plugin?

This is impossible to answer since there are so many photo gallery plugins available with various styles and features. But I am going to answer it anyway since I get this question just about every week.

When selecting a gallery plugin first look at any available online demos. Does it have the features you're looking for? Does it fit in with your site's style?

Read the feedback. How is the support? Is it easy to use? Has it been updated recently?

Free Plugins

The advantage of using free gallery plugins is that you can test various galleries on your site to see which one you like best. You'll also discover if any plugins have problems.

NextGEN Gallery is the most popular free gallery plugin available. Because of its popularity (over 7.5 million downloads) it has good theme compatibility and decent support.

Paid Plugins

Paid plugins often have more features than free plugins and good support. When it comes to gallery plugins, some paid plugin have dazzling visual effects and enhanced customization features. There are some amazing gallery plugins at

The risk of a paid gallery plugin is that it may conflict with your theme and you may not be able to use it, thus wasting your money. The gallery may be difficult to position correctly or have script issues because of other plugins or your theme.

The plugin developer may help you if the problem is a bug with the plugin or if they are interested in making the plugin compatible with more themes. If the developer is unresponsive you may need to try a different gallery plugin.

How to switch the side column (sidebar) from the right side to left?

The answer depends on the theme you're using.

In the Twenty-Eleven theme, go to Appearance -> Customize

Under Layout are options to change which side your content appears or you can opt for no sidebars at all.

Some themes, like those developed by StudioPress, allow you to change sidebar layouts for individual posts and pages if you want that level of control:

The entire site has a default layout which can be set in the theme's settings, the post option overrides the default settings. If no layout is selected in the post, the default sidebar layout is used.

How to add a menu item that goes to another site? How do you link Pages in WordPress to the navigation bar?


  1. Sign in to the Administration Panel, then go to Appearance -> Menus

  2. Next to Select a menu to edit, choose the menu you want to add a link to in the drop down list (some themes allow for multiple menus), or click the link to create a new menu (refer to your theme's documentation for details on custom menus and where they are positioned on your site).

  3. Click the Links bar to open the options. Add the URL and use Link Text to display the text you want to appear in your menu. Click Add to Menu and your new link will be added to the menu on the right. Drag your new menu up to reposition it if you like.

  4. Click Save Menu.

To add a Page in your menu click Pages instead of Links. Same if you want to have a category in your menu.

You add as many Pages, links and categories to your menu as you like and arrange them as top-level and submenu items. To make any menu item a submenu, simply click and drag the item slightly to the right until you see the dotted outline move. The dotted outline represents the new position of the menu item you selected, where it moves while you drag is where your menu item will be positioned when you let go. Click Save Menu when you are done.

The number of menus you can use and their placement depends on how your theme was designed. Refer to your theme's documentation for details.

How to add YouTube videos in my blog posts?

There are plugins that can insert videos, but they complicate one of the easiest tasks you can do in WordPress.

  • Step 1: Copy the link of the YouTube video you want to insert.

  • Step 2: In Text mode (not Visual), insert the link anywhere into your post.

  • Step 3: Publish or Update your post.

That's it. WordPress recognizes YouTube links and will automatically format the video. No plugins, no embed code. Also works with video links from Vimeo, Viddler, DailyMotion, and other sites.

How do I make my WordPress site mobile friendly?

There are two common ways:

  • Mobile "responsive" theme: a theme designed to work on both large and small screens. Basically, the theme rearranges sidebars under the main content, wraps text and scales images for narrow screens.

  • Redirect plugin: a plugin that will detect visitors on devices with small screens, such as smartphones and tablets, and redirect them to a mobile optimized version of your site. The mobile optimized version may have a completely different theme than the desktop theme, a version of your site designed and dedicated to small screens devices only. You may also have a completely different website with distinct content for mobile visitors that the plugin will redirect visitors to.

Which is better? It depends. Installing a responsive theme is an easy way to make your website instantly mobile friendly. Some companies recognize that visitors on mobile devices may be interested in different information and prefer to use a plugin that shows these visitors mobile targeted content.

How can I put my logo in the header of my theme?

This is a common question, but the answer depends on the theme you're using.

The overall appearance and layout of your site is determined by the theme, which controls what appears in the header area.

If you have a well-designed, user-friendly theme, adding your logo should be a straightforward task. You may find the option to update the logo in your theme settings.

In the WordPress administration panel, go to Appearance -> Header

This may show the theme options you have available to you in customizing your header and adding a logo.

Some themes add an additional item to the standard WordPress themes menu as seen in the following example for the "Flexibility" theme:

Selecting Flexibility Theme Options from the menu will produce a screen with an array of theme options, including Header Settings which allows you to use a custom image that has your logo:

If your theme does not provide any options to customize the header or insert a logo, then your only choice is to edit your theme's PHP header file. If you don't know how to code PHP you should hire a professional to edit the files. If you're not dead set on using a particular theme that lacks header and logo settings, consider changing themes.

Installing a new theme should not affect your content. It's one of the benefits of using WordPress. If a theme doesn't meet your site's needs you have the freedom to use one that does. In the future you may want to new add features to your site, upgrading themes and plugins is a way to enhance your website.

How do I set my site's home page to NOT be a blog page?

By default WordPress is setup to display your posts in reverse chronological order on the home page. This is how most blogs and news sites are organized. However, you may not want to use WordPress as a blog and have your home page setup differently. Here are your options:

Set your home page as a static Page:

  1. Sign in to the WordPress administrator panel. Create the Page you want to show on your home page.

  2. In the left menu, click Settings -> Reading.

  3. At the top are the settings for Front Page Displays. Select A static page.

  4. Select the Page you want on your home page from the drop down list. No need to change Post page.

  5. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom.

You may have a specific look in mind for your home page, with image sliders, post summaries and other widgets. With plugins, you can add some of these elements to a Page you create for your home page, including animated image sliders.

A better method might be to use a theme that has a home page layout and widgets that matches what you envision for your site. These themes have specially coded the home page to be uniquely different from the rest of the site. Finding these types of themes is as easy as visiting theme sites and browsing screenshots and demos for the look you have in mind. Most themes, especially premium themes, will have documentation on how to properly set up the home page.

I don't want to show "Meta" or "Categories" on my sidebar - how do I remove them?

When you install WordPress the first time, you may see links already in your sidebar. This appears by default and can be easily removed.

Sign in to the Administration Panel and go to Appearance -> Widgets

  1. On the right side are the sidebars and other widget areas available in the theme you're using. Click the sidebar area you want to remove items from. It may be labeled 'Main Sidebar' or 'Primary Sidebar'. You may want to refer to your theme's documentation if you're not sure.

  2. Once you've clicked the sidebar area it should expand showing the widget items in that sidebar. If the sidebar contains widgets you don't recognize, or is empty, you have selected the wrong sidebar area. Again, refer to your theme's documentation in this case.

  3. Click on any widget item you want to remove. Clicking will open the item for editing and will display the Delete link. Click Delete to remove the item, your changes will save automatically.

If you want to add any new widget items for your sidebar, just click and drag an item from the left and release it in the sidebar or other widget area you want the item to appear in. Your changes will save automatically.

When you add a new widget item, review it's settings. You may need to edit the widget's settings for it to work properly.

How do I add an email subscription form to my sidebar?

If you use an email service such as MailChimp or AWeber, the two easiest methods are:

  • Creating a form using your email service's tools, and copying the code into a new text widget; or

  • Using a plugin.

Popular email service providers usually have tools to create custom subscription forms which allow you to copy and paste them into your website. If using this method you may have use the tool to adjust your form to fit your site's sidebar. It may take a few iterations of adjusting and pasting into your site before you get it right.

Depending on the email service you use, a plugin may be available. If it's a good plugin it may be easier to add a form to your site than using the cut-and-paste tool. You'll have to search to see if a plugin has been developed for your email service.

A plugin worth mentioning is Gravity Forms. This powerful plugin can create custom forms of any size that can integrate with a number of services that include MailChimp and AWeber ("Business" version). It also has add-ons that can integrate with services like PayPal and Authorize.Net (requires the "Developer" version).

For more information about the Gravity Forms plugin, see

How do I remove the Date from all of my pages and posts?

Some themes allow you to edit or completely remove the date and byline information in your posts. Check your theme settings or documentation to see if it offers this option.

There is also a free plugin called WP Date Remove available from the plugin repository: This plugin doesn't have any options; it just removes dates site wide. For more control over dates consider a premium theme that has built in settings for date and byline editing.

How do I change the copyright and credits in the footer of my theme?

Most premium themes have settings built in that allow you to edit the footer credits. Some free themes also offer this option, but most don't because having credits in your site's footer gives the developer free exposure. This is yet another reason to use premium themes where you have control over footer.

If you're using a theme that doesn't have settings to edit the footer, you can edit the PHP file yourself. However, if you're using a free theme you could get into trouble with the developer. As mentioned before, a developer often lets people download and use their themes for free in exchange for having their name or site links in the footer. If you edit the PHP file to remove the developer credits, they may view that has breaking the agreement to use their theme for free.

If you want to edit the PHP footer file to add information but not delete anything, that should be acceptable by the developer. Footer credits are usually found in a theme file called footer.php. If you are not comfortable editing PHP you should hire a professional to help. It's literally a 5 minute job for a professional.

How can I remove the sidebar from selected pages?

WordPress lacks control over context sidebar display. Perhaps they feel it's the job of the theme to determine when and where sidebars are displayed. As a result, to control sidebar display you need to use a theme that has this feature or a special plugin. Some themes and plugins also allow you to create variations of sidebars, so you can have custom sidebars that are used on select pages.

There are several plugins available that will add these features to your site. I prefer using a theme that has these features built in. Some plugins I've used seem to slow down my site, while I've never had the same issue using themes. However, you may have no choice but to use a plugin if you don't want to change themes.

To find a plugin you can search the WordPress plugin repository. Be sure to read the comments. If you are considering a new theme, look for one that has dynamic or custom sidebars in feature list.

How do I put Adsense advertisements on my site?

There are two methods of placing advertisements from Google Adsense on your site. One method simply involves copying and pasting the Adsense code provided by Google into a widget area on your site, or in your site's code if you know how. The other method is by adding an Adsense plugin to your site.

You must always obey Google's terms of services which currently say that you cannot place more than three Adsense ads on any given page. You also have to be careful placing pictures around ads, or using text to draw attention to them.

There are a number of plugins that allow you to add Adsense to your site. The Easy AdSense plugin is a popular choice that has a number of ad placement features. Here's more information:

How do I add Google Analytics to my site?

Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to measure and analyze the traffic on your site. It is an excellent tool that's free to use. For more information about Google Analytics, I wrote this fine article that gives you everything you need to get started: Use Google Analytics to Know What's Working on Your Site.

To install the Google Analytics tracking code on your site, your theme may have a box you can paste the code into that will automatically place it on all your site pages. You might find this in your theme's settings in the Administration Panel.

If you're theme doesn't have this feature, there are a few different plugins that will do the trick. Here's a popular one that's free to use: Google Analyticator

How do I put a Google Map on my site?

Google Maps are a great addition to web pages, especially sites for businesses that have physical locations. Maps are ideal for a "contact us" type of page.

On Google Maps, you can create a map of any area and select the embed code to add that map to a website. Here are the steps to create a custom map and copy the embed code:

Once you have copied the embed code, you can place it in any post or page of your site. Make sure you're in Text mode and not Visual mode to ensure the code is saved and rendered properly.

Another option is to use a plugin. This free to use plugin can be used to add several Google maps to your site: WP Google Maps

How can I move my WordPress site to a new host?

Basically, moving a WordPress site to a new host is not really a complex task, but it is one you have to be very careful about doing. A problem could cause a lot of headache! If you don't feel confident doing this on your own, have your hosting company perform this operation or hire a professional.

Keep in mind that a typical WordPress installation really consists of two components: the site files and the database. Both need to be backed up and copied to the new host. Some configuration files and database entries need to be adjusted to reflect the new URL and new database settings.

In a nutshell, the following steps are what you need to do:

  1. Copy the site files to the folder where the new site will reside

  2. Create a new database on the new host and import the old database

  3. Edit wp-config.php to the new database settings. If your domain or URL has changed (you moved the site to a folder,, or subdomain, you'll need to do these two steps:

  4. Add the following lines in wp-config.php, replacing "" with the right domain:

    1. define('WP_SITEURL', '');

    2. define('WP_HOME', '');

  5. Install the Search and Replace plugin and use it to do a search and replace for your old URL's and change them with your new URL's.


  • Delete spam comments and site cache if there are any. This will reduce the size of the database and site files and make the transfer go faster.

  • Update your old site to the latest version of WordPress. Install a new instance of WordPress on the new host that is the same version of your old site. (Most hosts have a "quick install" feature that will install the latest version with just a few clicks.) Copy just the wp-content folder from your old site and replace the same folder in the WordPress files on the new host. Do step #3 above.

  • Use a backup plugin like the fantastic BackupBuddy.

For more detailed instructions, we have a PDF guide that will walk you step-by-step in transferring a WordPress site to a new web host: Transferring a WordPress site

How do I backup my WordPress site?

I'm glad you asked! Backing up your site is a vital task that many people overlook, and that neglect can be disastrous if the site falls victim to a hacker.

As mentioned in the last question, a WordPress site really consists of two components – the files and the database.

You can simply backup your files with your FTP client, just like you would any website. Use your FTP client and connect to your WordPress site, you can then copy the entire site and all of its directories down to your local computer.

The database backup can be done a number of ways; one of the easiest is to perform a WordPress Export.

In the Administrator Panel, go to Tools -> Export. Simply click the Download Export File button and save the file to your local computer. If you ever need to restore the site you can simply perform an "Import".

You can also export the database in SQL format if you prefer. This is my method of choice since I'm familiar with databases and can edit the export file if necessary.

There are also several backup plugins available, some better than others. The best one in my opinion is BackupBuddy.

More WordPress training and resources:

Tracking Your Sleep With Beddit Sleep Tracker

BedditThere is so much technology out in the world which helps us in so many different ways. Much of it can help us be healthier by getting the right amount of exercise or identifying the right foods to consider eating. And yet, many of us ignore the value of getting a great night's sleep. Doctors have recently been talking about how much the right amount of sleep actually is, so getting tools that can measure you as you sleep is something that you should be considering. But, the idea of attaching something to your body to measure your sleep is not something that we really want to do. But, what if you could do that without having to wear something on your body? That is exactly what Beddit is providing with the tools to measure your sleep.

The Beddit sleep tracker is one that you can pre-order today for $99 and have it delivered in November. At the moment, this is an Indiegogo campaign to raise funding for the coming product to monitor and measure your sleep activities. And they have been very successful in doing that raising a large amount to launch their product.

What you get with the Beddit is a thin band that you put under your sheet and you lay on top of it. The Beddit comes with what looks like a control module that you connect to a USB connection to keep it powered. One of those USB plugs that convert it to plug into the wall should do the trick to maintain the power. Using Bluetooth, the information is transited to the app on your smartphone. This includes both Android and iOS devices so that the vast majority of people are covered.

While you are sleeping and the app is collecting information from the Beddit, it is also collecting information about the environment such as noise and light. Once the information has been collected in the morning, you can review it to see just how well you are sleeping. And with that information it can make recommendations to improve your sleep. One of the interesting features is that it can wake you up when it has determined that you have had enough sleep.

I am not exactly sure if that will work for everyone as some like to make sure they get 9 or 10 hours a night which is more than doctors are recommending. They are probably going to turn that feature off. The Beddit sleep tracker works on memory foam beds as well as water beds and everything in between. And we expect to see improvements with the smartphone app over time to increase the value of the Beddit. This is an interesting product.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Is NFC Doomed? Is iBeacon The Successor?

iBeaconIt seems that NFC has been proposed as the next big thing in making cashless payments so that you smartphone becomes your wallet. But that continues to be delayed for some reason and we the consumers are left waiting for a solution to now do electronic payments. It seems that 2012 was supposed to be the Year for the Mobile Wallet, but that came and went. Then it was 2013 and we are now moving towards the end of the year and it has not happened, though there is a lot of interest. Some are looking at 2014 and beginning to wonder if it has become too late for NFC to become the standard for making payments. It seems like the opportunity for NFC may have past us by.

Apple has yet to to include an NFC chip in the iPhone and it that is not going to happen. It does look like NFC is doomed to make it as there continues to be advances in technology which make NFC less of the required way to go. And while the number of smartphones with NFC chips in them is far lower than it should be, other technologies continue to come about altering the landscape. The big one now is low powered Bluetooth under the Bluetooth 4.0 technology which has been making its way to the market. This is known as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and has been talked about a lot in the press for its ability to transmit over short distances.

NFC must come within several inches of any receiving device to be effective, but BLE can be transmitted easily within a large building. That difference presents many possibilities as a possible alternative to using NFC as the Mobile Wallet. The question for BLE is accuracy as to where a device is, but that should be able to be resolved with technology. The shorter term issue is getting Bluetooth 4.0 utilized in a large number of phones. And with Apple, they have already past that hurdle.

The iPhone 4s and 5 already contain support for BLE insuring a broad audience even before their most recent announcement this week. Given that base, Apple has now chosen to release iBeacon to developers as a tool which is building on top of their Apple Passbook. With Passbook and iBeacon, Apple could leap over all the current NFC efforts and advance their strategy to the world. And there is little anyone can do to stop them. We are seeing slow adoption of Bluetooth 4.0 in the Android world and there really should be a growing base of Android devices supporting it, but there is not. So, the question of whether iBeacon is the successor to NFC may soon be answered and it will be in the next few months. As we have seen in the past, market share drives the standards. And iBeacon may be the new standard for using a Mobile Wallet.

iBeacon and BLE are going to start by doing proximity recognition, such as when you walk into a store and they display something on your screen. From there, it is not going to take long to let you make payments in store with iBeacon and BLE. And with that, NFC will start taking a back seat to an alternative form of the Mobile Wallet. We would prefer that NFC be the primary driver of mobile payments, but they have dropped the ball on this and Apple has now provided another option. And with that, it is going to immediately have a mass audience of available iPhones. Watch for iBeacon to be available in stores to pay for merchandise beginning next year.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Legion Portable Battery Comes With Embedded Microprocessor

Portable Battery Comes With LED Screen To Show The Status.

Legion ChargerLimited battery life is just how it is and we have to figure out how to make sure to have enough power to make it throughout the day. We can do that by carrying charging cables and plugging our smartphone in whenever possible to keep the charge up. Or, as is the growing trend, carry a portable battery charger so that you can charge up your phone no matter where you are. That is the life that we live until a majority of smartphones have at least 2 days of charge under what I would consider normal usage. Until then, we look at how to keep our smartphones working. A new portable battery charger is coming in January which looks to alter what portable battery chargers look like. It is called Legion and is billed as The Battery Reinvented.

This week's KickStarter project is Legion - The Battery Reinvented. The fund raising campaign closed on August 29th with them raising 466% of the goal and you still can order one for delivery in January. For those that participated in the fund raising, they will be getting theirs in December. So, what makes this one so unique from all the other ones on the market?

The really big difference is that they are including a small microprocessor in the Legion case and an LED display which allows them to display far more than the idiot lights of the past. With that, they can display a lot more information for you. This is accomplished by pressing the power button to switch the display to another featured item. You will get a read out of Time To Discharge, percentage charge of portable battery and battery voltage to name a few of the 8 LED screens that you can see. This will give you what you need to know about the status of the battery instead of the green lights that we are used to seeing.

We all know that not all USB connections are the same with some putting out more watts than others. And with the LED display on the Legion, you are going to be able to determine the USB port that is going to charge up your Legion the fastest. We talked about the different USB ports wattage be in July for another KickStarter project.

There are 2 different models being offered by PLX Devices, so you get to make a choice. The Legion 5500 mAH for $79.99 and the Legion 11000 mAH for $99.99 with colors of Black and White. Coming in at 2.45 by 4.32 by 0.45 inches (5500) and 3.5 by 5.25 by 0.45 (11000), the size makes it portable. The weight for these is 4.4 ounces and 9.0 ounces.

Given the need to have an alternative source for charging up your smartphone because of limited battery life, these 2 new batteries with an LED display may give you far more confidence in charging up you device.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Flatten Out Your Smartphone Touchscreen Keyboard - Minuum

MinuumUnless you have a smartphone with a touchscreen larger than 3.5 inches, your floating keyboard takes up way too much space. It can take up half the screen and then you cannot see everything that you need to. For some, this is a source of frustration for them. It would be great if there was a way to get more real estate in the screen without having to resort to a Bluetooth keyboard. There is one product out there right now which does appear to give you that. It is called Minuum and gives you the added space by squishing that keyboard down to basically a single line.

The Minuum, a little keyboard for big fingers, is one that has been in beta for a while and is now available at the Google Play Store. And there is no iOS version of this. That is because of restrictions by Apple and they are hoping some developers will take this and get around those restrictions. Reviews are still coming in from users and it does seem to be receiving high marks for what it does in replacing the normal touch screen keyboard that we are used to using. The Minuum looks like it is going to become a replacement for many because of the small foot print on the screen when flattened out.

That's right, I said when it is flattened out. That is because they have added the ability to turn that squished row of letters back into a standard keyboard for when you need to type with speed or typing in a URL or something requiring other characters. That makes this meet a lot more needs. One of the concerns on seeing this the first time is that everything being on a single line for typing is going to create a lot of mistakes. And that would be a correct statement.

The key is going to be for Minuum to learn from you and determine what you intend to type. It learns over time so that you can pick up your typing speed. While you would think that mistyping all those words would make things slower trying to be accurate, you just have to get used to the idea that it will self correct for you. As you become accustomed to it, your speed will return.

Where this is a product in beta, you might think that it would be free until it completes that process. You would be wrong in that assumption. They are charging $3.99 to download the app and that is what it is going to be when it is generally available. They are able to charge that because of all the interest in this product. And they are continuing to make improvements on Minumm so that it continues to be a better product. If you need more space on your touch screen when the keyboard is visible, the Minuum may be your solution.

Monday, September 9, 2013

DuckDuckGo Tools and Resources

DuckDuckGo search engine logoMany are flocking to the DuckDuckGo search engine as details of PRISM and NSA online surveillance activities have come to the public's attention. DuckDuckGo (or DDG) is one of the few search engines that respects user privacy.

Unlike Google, Bing, Yahoo and others, DDG does not record or collect user information. Search engines like Google and social networks like Facebook typically collect and use personal information to profit from ads and marketing. But as you've probably heard in the news, it was recently discovered that these tech giants and others share this private data, including IP addresses, emails, chat conversations, even Facebook posts, with the NSA and other federal agencies.

After the exposure of the PRISM program earlier this year, DDG's usage has increased astronomically and is currently receiving over 100 million queries each month.

Think you have nothing to hide? The NSA has already demonstrated abuses of their access to private data. Take the example of NSA Officers using collected information to stalk love interests. Who's to say they'll safeguard the data they collect and keep your information out of the wrong hands?

Since DDG doesn't collect user data, they have nothing to hand over to the NSA or anyone else. Of course, if the NSA wants to target a group or individual, they'll certainly get the data they want. DDG or any other privacy service can only go so far. Still, there are plenty of good reasons to use it over Google. Here are a few:

  • No "personal search." Google likes to think they know what you want. Since they have your search history, the search engine will show results based on their assumptions about you. It's an annoying feature. People send you links you're not interested it but you click anyway, or your spouse borrows your computer to do a quick search from time to time. Suddenly the search results are showing items you have no interest in. Of course, these features can be turned off but they are on by default with most people not realizing it.

  • Google and other search engines use search history to show advertising. Don't forget, Google is not a software company; it's first and foremost a media company that generates revenue from advertisements. If you don't mind being shown advertisements based on what you search for, that's your business (and anyone else who uses your computer). Once at an all day workshop, a manger had his computer connected to the projector. As he looked up information in Google and on some websites for the team, we couldn't help to notice the same flashy dating ads showing up in different places. He was a married man, was he really vising dating sites? Was it even him, did someone borrow his computer to browse dating sites? No one said anything but it didn't go unnoticed and led people to wonder.

  • As good as Google is, I often don't find what I'm looking for on the first few tries. Movie times, word definitions, baseball scores, Google excels at the popular searches. It's the longer search phrases or obscure terms I usually have trouble with. Either I get unrelated sites or a bunch of spam sites. I can't say DDG is better at tough searches, but it does surprise me on occasion. DDG's results come from 50 different sources including Wolfram Alpha. DDG also makes an effort to block results from content farm sites designed to game Google's search algorithm and filters.

Since DDG does not collect personal data they don't have any targeted ads or personalized search "features." I like that they filter out content farm sites I get tired of seeing again and again in Google.

If you're thinking of making the switch, here's a collection of DDG tools and resources similar to what the big search engines offer. Be sure to bookmark this page for quick reference.

How to make DDG your browser's homepage, add or change default search provider and official extensions:

DDG mobile apps:


DuckDuckGoodies are instant answers to common searches, like unit conversions and calculations, that appear on the top of the search results. Google has a similar feature they added to search a couple years ago.

DuckDUckGo goodies example

Here's a categorized list of available Goodies with examples: DuckDuckGoodies 

Add a DDG search box to your site:

Advanced searching: operators, switches and filters: DDG Syntax

Support and Community

Main help and support pages:

DDG user forums:

There are lots more resources but this is enough to get most people going. From now on when someone comes to you with a question you don't know the answer to, instead of suggesting they Google it, you can now tell them to Duck it!